Who I Am Dynamics

Mission Statement

If the questions listed below are not clearly set out by the owners and managers, then how can the staff be passionate and committed to “rowing the boat” if they do not have clarity with the direction of the business.

“Who I Am Dynamics is dedicated to profoundly changing, enriching and empowering the life growth and success of people around the world by serving them to find their life purpose, plan it, and live it”.

Our unique global dedication has a strong focus on the readings, audios, study and learning applying the principles and dynamics of Quantum Physics, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Ancient Mysticism and Neurocognitive application, as well as the writings and commentary of global leaders in numerous other fields of teaching, learning and practice.

These principles are embedded in the presentations, courses, training, webinars and mentoring that Who I Am Dynamics provides to assist people to find their life purpose, have the skills and strategies to take control of their life and destiny NOW and live it.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein


  1. Am I Truthful with myself?
  2. Am I radiantly happy with all parts of my life?
  3. Am I fulfilling my life dreams and ambitions in all parts of my life?
  4. What is your response to the “Taxi Driver Question” which is, “Where are you going?”

Unfortunately most people don’t know where they are going. They live a life that is without purpose or plan that is reactive to outside influences rather than being a self-designed strategy.

Ask yourself these questions –

“What do I desire most in my life?”

“How long have I been desiring it?”

“Why then don’t I have it now?”

It’s like so many wilted New Year’s Eve resolutions. Made with the best of intentions, where the initial activity may last for a few days, but very rarely continues before the intention evaporates into wasted thought and effort!

Chances are this is just another example of years of living the foggy thoughts of “I might”, “I’d like to”, “I wish”, “One day”, “If only” …

Until there is a self-awakening, then the start to search for self-enlightenment through learning, along with a defined plan with an immovable strategy, and with strong and dedicated support, you may never find your life purpose, let alone live one which could see you remaining spiritually, psychological, physically, financially and emotionally unfulfilled due to your epigenetic inheritance and past environmental conditioning from family, school, cultural and religious environments, where you live in fear of judgement, criticism, failure, success, rejection, rebuke, non – acceptance or complete exclusion and eventual failure.

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are living in peace, you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu

Can I change?

Your opportunity to seek and find your own life purpose and source energy no longer needs to be dormant, suffocated, sabotaged or stolen. Fear does not have to be your primary motivation and the controller and subsequent victor over your conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs, and ultimately your life. You have a choice in creating the trajectory of your life NOW.

“The Definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.”


We have developed clear and successful strategies where you can deliver for yourself all of your life desires in an easy and enjoyable manner.

The first part is to commit yourself to want to make the change in your life NOW.

The second part is to commit yourself to take responsibility to make that change in your life NOW.

Now though, if you want to learn what your life purpose is, and learn how to change yourself from the inside out to achieve and live your life purpose with all of its rewards, you need to design yourself like a magnificent skyscraper and identify how each of the floors and rooms will be built, decorated, furnished and then lived in.

We have unique and successful ways of helping people to transform to achieve what they desire in all parts of their life. The balancing part of the equation is learning how to find within yourself what your deepest life purpose desires are, and to create your own written Life Purpose Statement and Life Purpose Affirmations.

“Become Mindful of your thoughts. Entwined with emotion theycan become Beliefs. These Beliefs are manifested as Habits. Live Purposefully” Garry Prigg


The most immediate and effective outcomes are not achieved by just attending the Lifeshop for the day. The purpose of the Lifeshop is to download and look within at your existing subconscious “Life Software Program” that you have created for yourself over your life to now, which you are living by. We will not be trying fix anything. To do this simply gives it energy.

You will learn to define and construct your own new “Life Software Program” that becomes your powerful option to live a new and vibrant, fulfilling and abundant life.

There has been an ever increasing, and important focus on learning the technique of Mindfulness. There are a number of definitions of what it means and achieves for the individual. One is that it is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is also used as a therapeutic technique. When practiced regularly, meditation is proven to increase positive emotion.

However, in a profound way, Who I Am Dynamics have evolved a unique new technique to advance the Mind by incorporating Mindfulness to a new distinctive level of awakening and self-realisation, called Purposefulness. It is the new universal path of Mastering the Mind with programs, practices and rituals that cover all aspects of one’s life to attain Fulfilment.

“If you wish to understand the Universe, think energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla


The first cohort are the people who have had some type of energetic awakening, who are seeking answers in many cases to questions that they are not sure how to frame and ask. It’s an intuitive knowing that they are living in a fog and there has to be more to life than the way they have been living to now. They just feel that it is a time of really asking questions like who am I, why am I here and what is my greater purpose for being on this earth? They are seeking a pathway to a different and more fulfilling future life with purpose and clarity.

The second cohort are the people who have enjoyed levels of success in business either as enterprise owners or as executives. If you ask them are they happy with what they are or have achieved in business, nearly all would say yes. Some have had the opportunity through their positions to support charities or be philanthropic. Even with some degree of success in business, they have this inner sense that something is innately missing.

For each of these cohorts, they have one thing in common. Whether they are happy or not, there is an inner restlessness where they are unfulfilled. There
is an awakening to self-awareness. Through learning the meaning and skills of Purposefulness, they commence their life journey toward their own Self Realisation.

“If I change nothing, nothing will change.”


The Seven Pillars of your life that have been evolving because of your epigenetic implants and environmental experiences which represent who you are today, and why you are living the way you are. We start to list what has got you to NOW, and how you can determine what your own autobiography could be, NOW.

How can I dedicate some of my time on a regular basis to assist those in my community who are seeking assistance and support to live an improved and more fulfilling life. Who are some of the organizations in my community that serve others who are currently at the bottom of the wheel of their life (e.g. those that have cancer, a disability, are homeless or who are affected by drugs and/ or alcohol)? What personal impact can I directly have for them as a volunteer? What experiences and knowledge do I have personally, or that of

a close friends experience in these community areas that will inspire me to donate some of myself for others? What would my vibrantly happy community life look like?

What new ways can I learn and train myself to expand my knowledge and mind skills for all aspects of my life? How can I fulfil all of my dreams for the enjoyment of my Mind Life Growth that will profoundly assist me in all aspects of

my personal and business life? How to apply the scientifically proven path of neurocognitive brain training with meditation, prayer, audios, videos, books, and webinars to learn the way to transform my life, and live with freedom, success and fulfilment. What would my vibrantly happy mind life look like?

How can I awaken the energy within me to live and fulfil all of my life dreams with the unlocking and advancement of my spiritual life that will connect me profoundly with my universal energy and divine power? How can I achieve this by accessing this power and energy through my energetic life portal using mediation, prayer and/ or yoga? How would learning to access the UNOversal Knowledge Bank make a profound difference in all aspects of my life? What would my vibrantly happy spiritual life look like?

How can I fulfil all of my physical desires to have a vibrant life with optimum health, wellbeing and energy? What areas of my physical life can I review that has been diminishing my life performance (food consumption, exercise, debilitating habits and excesses, sleep)? How would I feel having a starting plan, and continuation strategy to achieve excellent health and wellbeing? What impact would this have on my daily performance, life longevity and for those around me? What would my vibrantly happy physical life look like?

How can I fulfil all of my desires to have a joyful and peaceful life with those that I love so I can have amazing relationships with my partner, children, relations, friends, work colleagues and broader community? Who are my close circle
of friends? Do they reflect my deep core values and principles? What areas of my relationships could be enhanced to strengthen and enliven my relationship with others and myself? What would my vibrantly happy relationships life look like?

How can I fulfil all of my desires to have financial wealth and abundance that will profoundly change the way I think about money, wealth and lifestyle? Have I been suffocated in my beliefs about money, and that I deserve to have unlimited abundance? Have I been living my life in fear of not having enough money, and how that might have stifled my capacity to be rich? What would my vibrantly happy and abundant financial life look like?

How can I fulfil all of my work life desires to have a joyful, successful and abundant work environment so that I can be financially independent? What skill sets and competencies can I improve on to better service my employer, the clients and myself? Who do I have as a role model or mentor that can hold me to account, encourage me and inspire me to grow as a successful business owner or staff member? What would my vibrantly happy work life look like?

“Outside the rules of physics, all other rules are illusions that we have chosen to believe. Smash the ones that no longer serve you”.


Once committed to participating and being registered in the UNOversal® Finding Your Life Purpose NOW Lifeshop –

  • You will receive your Lifebook by email before you attend. Print it off.
  • You are required fill out your own Self Evaluation before the Lifeshop.
  • There will also be an audio sent to you that we encourage you to listen to a minimum of 3 times before the Lifeshop.

At the Lifeshop

On the day we will progress through the Lifebook within the UNOversal® Seven Pillars starting from the section on:

    • What Is Not Working In My Life
    • What Successes Have I Had In My Life To Now?
    • What Am I Eternally Grateful For In My Life?
    • What Do I Love About Myself?
    • What Do I Really Desire In The Growth And Development Of Who I Am?
    • Defining the Desires in preparation for them being written up as affirmations using strategic languaging to bypass existing thoughts, beliefs and habits.
    • We then bring the Seven Pillars of Your Life to one epicenter in the creation of the overarching plan to create and develop your personalized dynamic Life Purpose Statement.
    • We assist with developing daily practices and rituals to better strengthen your ability to continue after the Lifeshop with your affirmations in everyday life to greatly enhance your opportunity to live by your newly created “Life Software Program”, to live with Purposefulness.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung


The greatest challenge will be to be ever Mindful and Purposeful of NOT allowing your subconscious to sabotage you and draw you back into your past defaults. This is why it is essential to grant permission to the Master Life Mentor to counsel and coach you, and to also hold you to account for your focus and commitment toward your defined Life Purpose/s Statement and Living Affirmations.

      • Attend a six hour group Lifeshop facilitated by Garry
      • After the Lifeshop everyone will have the opportunity to meet one on one for up to an hour with Garry to receive their personalised written Life Purpose Statements and Life Affirmations.
  • Attend a six hour group Lifeshop facilitated by Garry
  • After the Lifeshop everyone will have the opportunity to meet one on one for up to an hour with Garry to receive their personalised written Life Purpose Statements and Life Affirmations.
  • Everyone will be offered the opportunity to meet one on one for up to an hour with Garry to be supported to discuss and measure their progress. This is made available every second week over four weeks
  • Everyone will be offered the opportunity to have a 30 minute Skype/Phone session with Garry to be supported to discuss and measure their progress. This is made available every second week over four weeks.
  • Attend a return two hour group Lifeshop and dinner at the end of the first four weeks.
  • Attend a six hour group Lifeshop facilitated by Garry
  • After the Lifeshop everyone will have the opportunity to meet one on one for up to an hour with Garry to receive their personalised written Life Purpose Statements and Life Affirmations.
  • Everyone will be offered the opportunity to meet one on one for up to an hour with Garry to be supported to discuss and measure their progress. This is made available every second week over eight weeks.
  • Everyone will be offered the opportunity to have a 30 minute Skype/Phone session with Garry to be supported to discuss and measure their progress. This is made available every second week over eight weeks.
  • Attend two (x 2) two hour group Lifeshops and dinner every four weeks over eight weeks.
  • Entering into a one on one Life Mentoring relationship with Garry. This plan is tailor made for each person’s special life requirements.
  • It is for an extended period with the objective to become a leader to create new leaders through the spoken word, actions by example and energetic connection.
        • Availability to attend other Lifeshops that specifically focus on any of the individual Seven Life Pillars that you feel are essential now for your progress – Mind, Community, Spiritual, Physical, Relationships, Financial and Work. External specialist may be included for part of these sessions.
        • Alternative individual and group Learning programs on Neurocognitive training and Quantum Physics group courses.
        • On Line Learning programs on Neurocognitive training and Quantum Physics courses covering Fear, Weight Loss, Money and more.
        • Structured group mentoring plans whereby you will be supported to stay on purpose to assist you to work toward achieving your Life Purpose and affirmations.
        • Skype and Phone link ups to discuss your progress and help keep you on purpose.
        • Email connections to review your progress.



  • Apart from our own unique content and training, we have extraordinary associations with the
    very best international leaders in the field of Life Mentoring and Training. We have access to their cutting edge on-line training courses, audios, videos, publications, mentoring, webcasts and GoToMeeting presentations.
  • This amazing collection of life changing material available from these leaders has been selected to help create a focused stream of learning, planning and progress instead of being overwhelmed with some many options of what to access and who to listen to.


        • 83% of graduates had no goals
        • 14% had goals, but not were not written down
        • 3% had written goals.
        • The 3% who wrote down their goals were earning 10 times (10 x’s) more than the group with no goals.
        • The 14% whose goals were not in writing were earning three times (3 x’s) as much as those graduates who had no goals at all.

It is my strongly held view, whether it be personal or business, for a person to enjoy a grounded life of success, abundance and peace, their life energy must first be in harmony. What then flows into their life is profoundly greater clarity, purpose of self, greater self-enjoyment and improved levels of success for them Self, their family, friend’s, those that they work with and their broader community.

Learning how to live with Purposefulness is achieved by defining one’s life desires, knowing how to write up those desires into power affirmations, developing and dedicating at least 30 minutes to a daily ritual of repartition, and being Mindful of your thoughts each moment of the day. This is a lifetime of learning, practice and reviewing. It is the ultimate path to living a life of Fulfilment.

“The two most important days of your life are the days you are born and the second is, why?” Mark Twain

My promise is this. Now that you have read this introduction, your life will never be the same. You will start to seek your own life purpose to try and quench your latent insatiable thirst for information and knowledge by asking yourself the question, where am I going and to answer, I’m learning who I am. Welcome to the energetic path of seeking self-awareness, self-realisation, enlightenment freedom and fulfilment.

If you want to discuss any of this in confidence, please feel free to contact me direct.

Contact Enquiry

Learn how to transform your life and change your business, contact info@whoiamdynamics.com or fill the form below and we will be in touch shortly.

Fill in your in details below and you’ll receive a free copy of the
Changing Your Life Now Workshop Book in your inbox.